Monday, 24 March 2014

Skydancing in full swing!!!

A beautiful day on Langholm moor.. began with a frosty morning serenaded by Curlew, Lapwing, Red Grouse, Skylark and Meadow Pipit, as  I did a spot of ringing a the moorland bird feeding station. Lovely views of my first leveret of the season suggests spring is a little earlier than usual this year, and yet we still have Brambling at the feeders.


The stunning Hen Harrier display, began a week or so ago, tentatively at first but now two males are seen regularly full on skydancing.
 These photos (taken last year by John Wright) show the intricate moves the males make when they are displaying, flying huge loops in the sky twisting and turning to attract a mate. Click on any image to see it enlarged.
If you would like an opportunity to see displaying Hen Harriers and other fantastic moorland wildlife - we are running some guided sessions over April as part of the Wild Seasons Spring Festival. Every Sunday in April 9am - 1pm . Please contact Cat Barlow on  or 013873 80914 for details.

Please remember that Hen Harriers and other raptors are legally protected. If you watch from the roadside you will be able to get good views of them without causing any disturbance. Please be considerate when parking and keep dogs on leads - ground nesting birds are particularly sensitive to disturbance.

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