Thursday 28 June 2012

Dumfries & Galloway 'host' the Highland Show


This year it was Dumfries & Galloway's turn to 'host' the Highland Show at Ingleston, Edinburgh. I went along to represent the Making the Most of Moorlands Project and Langholm as part of the Wild Seasons group - highlighting wildlife across the region. Here are a few photos taken by Helen @ Cream O' Galloway.

 As you can see, it was a rather wet four days.

 painting activity
The Wild Seasons squirrel, drawing visitors into our tent.. and having a bit of fun along the way!

 The Wild Seasons squirrel having a go at some of the activities on offer...

 Mud, mud, glorious mud!

The Making the Most of Moorlands corner of the Hoghland show 2012.
 Lucy Hadley of the Forestry Commission showing some visitors the Wild Seasons map of the region.

Monday 18 June 2012

Moorland Feeding Station June 2012

  Nearing 1000 bird ringed at the Moorland feeeding station, I have been amazed at the number and variety of avian visitors to the site all year round. Here are a few recent visitors:
 Juvenile Lesser Redpoll
 Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker
 Adult male Lesser Redpoll
 Juvenile Robin
 Willow Warbler
 Spotted Flycatcher

Ironically, Siskins are the comest bird at the feedign station and that is one species I have no photographs of.

Thursday 14 June 2012

June 14th Checking moorland nest boxes

would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped with the moorland nest boxes over the last three years, from Mac Hotson who helped site the boxes, to the Cubs, Scouts, Guides, Brownies, Explorer Scouts and Langholm Academy students and Mr Wilson for building boxes for us, Explorer scouts and guides whio helped erect the boxes, Buccleuch Estates for donating wood and all the volunteers who help monitor the boxe and ring the young birds.. this year alone you have helped provide nest sites for five pairs of Pied flycatchers, our first redstart nest and lots and lots of blue tits and great tits.. thank you!!!!!!!!!

today volunteers from Langholm Academy helped ring some blue tit, great tit and redstart pulli:


Wednesday 13 June 2012

June 13th Langholm Primary 'minis' after school group

Stream dipping at speed! Only an hour to get up onto the moor and explore the life of the Tarras ditches and puddles.. but we made it and found some great things along the way...

Palmate newt, diving beetles, pond skaters and tadpoles were exciting finds for the group.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

 Moorland Feeding Station June 12th

The bird feeding station on the moor is very busy even now, in June. Many adult birds are visiting to fuel up themselves in between collecting catterpillars for their young. Also seeing growing numbers of juvenile birds including Redpoll, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Greenfinch, Coal Tit, Chaffinch, Robin and big numbers of Siskin.

Thursday 7 June 2012

 Over the last year or so we've been placing sheets of corrugated wire on the moor to facilitate reptile watching. It has taken a few months for creatures to begin to use them. We've seen plenty of insects and voles and shrews under the reptile refuges but this week we saw our first reptile, a slow worm! Fingers crossed we get adders soon.
 Also this week, I've seen my first golden ringed dragonfly of the season, quite difficult to see against this cryptic background.

Also this week, I watched a golden ringed dragonfly emerging from its exuvia, an amazing sight.