Thursday 28 July 2016

Making the Most of Moorlands:Update

More moorland adventures....

More adventures on the moor this morning with Flynn, Cain and Mum Kirsty. Pond dipping, white water boxing, reptile hunting and bird watching. Found lots of nymphs, slow worm, toads, herons and sandpipers, a magic feather and even had a close encounter with a herd of goats!

White water boxing!

Flynn has a paddle

Flynn and Cain meet a slow worm

Examining the catch

Friday 22 July 2016

Making the Most of Moorlands: Volunteers

Volunteers Day 


Got loads of work done today up at the Bird hide. Sorted out some roof issues, cleared the area around the pond, felled a dead Larch tree and even had time for sausage sandwiches! Huge thanks to David, Adam, William, Wolfe and Rhys for all their effort and to Daniel Lacey for his time and expertise.
A fine days work Gentlemen!
-Rick and Beckie

Clearing the pond edge

Repair work on the bird hide

Felling a dead Larch

Touching up the paint work

A tasty reward!


Camp fire cooking

Marshmallows too!

Finishing touches

Man make fire, man cook food...

Thursday 21 July 2016

Making the Most of Moorlands: Update



Had a great time making Native American dream-catchers on the moor this morning using willow, elder and buzzard feathers. It's a tricky thing to do but the group made an excellent effort and produced some amazing work. Well done guys!

-Beckie and Rick

A Native American Dream-catcher

A door-full of Dream-catchers

Some great work!

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Making the Most of Moorlands: Update

Bird Watching for Beginners - Monday 11th July 2016

Had a fantastic morning out on the moor yesterday. We had great views of young Great Spotted Woodpeckers and Siskins at the bird hide, Merlins at Harrier Corner, learned how to use binoculars and telescopes, had a crash course in field sketching and would have had some lovely photos to show you if I had picked up a camera before I left the office!
Thanks to everyone who came along. It was a cracking morning!

The Making the Most of Moorlands Project is funded by Heritage Lottery Funding, M&S, Holywood Trust and the Robertson Trust.

Friday 8 July 2016

Making the Most of Moorlands:Update

Guided Watch - Sat 9th July @ Harrier Corner

I'll be up at Harrier Corner tomorrow (9th July) from 8am-12pm. Should get some good views of the five fledged Merlin and the Harriers among other things. See you there!


Making the Most of Moorlands: Photos

Great photos from the moor!

Some exceptional shots of recently fledged Merlin and a Meadow Pipit feeding a Cuckoo taken on the moor today by Peter Curran of Harrogate.

Well done Sir, they're absolutely cracking!!


Making the Most of Moorlands: Update

Wild Spirits of the Moorland - July 4th 2016

Headed out onto the moor with a lovely group this morning to discover our totem spirit animals and explore. Rabbits, Badgers, bears, deer, foxes and even a shark were among the groups personal totems and the protective pendants were very impressive.
We also enjoyed the wildlife seeing a female hen harrier, slow worm, a frog, great spotted woodpeckers and froghoppers to name a few.

Making the Most of Moorlands: Update


Hottsbridge Celebrate the Moorlands

We received an invitation to attend Hottsbridge Primary School's end of term 'Celebration of the Moorland' at Waterbeck Church on friday. The students gave a fantastic presentation of not only their amazing work but moorland themed songs, readings and poems.
Well done on a fantastic terms work guys and thank you so much for inviting us to share it with you (and for the chocolates, shortbread and wonderful cards!)
-Beckie and Rick