Friday 31 August 2012

Latest Satellite Tag update


 These images show the movements of the two tagged Langholm Hen Harriers - Barry and Blae over the last week. NO major chanegs, both young birds making local movements. Click on the images to enlarge them.

Barry's latest movements

Blae's latest movenents


Friday 24 August 2012

Latest update of sat tags


These images show the movements of the two tagged Langholm Hen Harriers - Barry and Blae over the last week. Both young birds are sticking fairly close to their natal site. Click on the images to enlarge them.
Barry (young male)

Blae (young female)

If you'd like more information about this project, please visit the facebook page or project website 

Tuesday 21 August 2012

First data from Satellite tagged young Hen Harriers

Just before fledging, two of the young Hen Harriers from the Langholm moor nest were fitted with satellite tags by Stephen Murphy of Natural England and Aly McCluskie RSPB. We will be following the progress of the birds as they  leave the nest and struggle to survive their first winter. These images show the first tentative movements of Barry (94588), after Barry O'Donaghue of Hen Harrier Ireland project, and Blae (74926).. as in blaeberry. Thank you so much to Steve and Aly for allowing us access to this fantastic information.. Good luck Barry and Blae.. Check out Barry's blog for Hen Harrier Ireland to see the difficulties faced by birds across the sea .