Monday 19 June 2017

Making the Most of Moorlands: Update

Fantastic afternoon at MTAF!!

Had a great afternoon at the Muckle Toon Adventure Festival yesterday - the weather was magnificent and we had a great Stream Dipping session followed by a tent talk about local wildlife and they even let me sing a few songs!! Huge thanks to Dawn and all the organisers for putting in an enormous amount of effort to ensure that, once again, the festival was a massive success!! Well Done Guys and thanks for inviting me along! - Rick

Making the Most of Moorlands - Update

Lizards on the Mistle Thrush menu!

Just an interesting picture of a Mistle Thrush carrying a Common Lizard - hadn't seen this before. Also found a Spotted Flycatcher on 4 eggs last week - Rick

Mistle Thrush with Common Lizard

Spotted Flycatcher on 4 eggs

Making the Most of Moorlands - Update

Owls doing well 


Here are some pictures of the three most common Owl species on the Moor; Barn, Tawny and Short-eared. All have bred on the Hill this season, making good use of the high vole numbers, with the Barn Owls being particularly successful with a total of 25 young successfully fledged so far - Rick

Barn Owl

Tawny Owl

Short-eared Owl (Photo courtesy of Bryan Benn)

Young Barn Owl

Young Tawny Owls

Young Short-eared Owls

Cathy's last day

Making the Most of Moorlands: Update

Cathy's Last Day

It's my last day as Seasonal Education Assistant here at the Making the Most of Moorlands Project. I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me / the project over the past 6 months especially the young people, their parents and teachers at our local schools - it's been great getting to know you all!

Much fun has been had with the John Muir Award, Learning Base, Nature Clubs and School visits as you can see below

And Thank You to everyone for supporting the Moorland Team during our Moorland May events, Cathy