Thursday 10 January 2013

It has stopped raining (at least for now)

We have enjoyed a day or two of no rain, although the Town of Langholm has been hidden under a layer of fog, so it has not been much of an improvement. I have heard rumours of sunshine further afield.

Many thanks to Tom Hutton for these photos.


Funding, funding, funding.. apologies for the lack of posts recently, we are coming to the end of our LEADER D&G funding and I have been busy looking for future funding and filling in application forms. Will keeop you posted about our future..

The Moorland bird feeding station has been keeping us busy in the last few months. A fantastic team of volunteers fill up the feeders every day and we are getting a good variety of species as well as good numbers visiting the site. This new 'ground feeder' built by Daniel Lacey has been very popular with the birds, giving us good views of the winter visitors - Brambling, in particular.

There are good numbers of Fieldfare and Redwing around, usually seen flying over the feeding station.





We haven't had many dry days, but have made the most of the ones we've had by getting the ringing nets up and caught a good variety of birds.