Wednesday 15 April 2015

Meet Martin

One of the great things about this job is the inspirational people I meet - February's blog
featured 'the owl man'  - Bryan Benn, an amazing guy inspired to research and write a book about Short Eared owls.
Martin Bradley has, in recent years, taken up writing  children's books in his spare time - books designed to raise awareness about the incredible wildlife we have around us. He is currently working on a new book about the stunning Hen Harrier and we'll bring you details as son as it is ready.
Read Martin's story and why he has been inspired to write a children's book about the beautiful Hen Harrier.
Writing and illustrating isn’t my profession just a passion, since 2013 I’ve successfully published two poem based A4 children’s conservation books selling over 4200 copies throughout the UK,  Producing these books has allowed me to meet everyday people who through their hard work and dedication are “making a difference”.

My aims are simple, to produce pocket money priced fun and informative books, engage children in remarkable predators and encourage them to read and draw. I would like both books to reach every UK primary/Junior school and hopefully inspire our future wildlife enthusiast’s; the cherry on the cake is to raise funds whilst promoting conservation.

I live on the edge of the New forest with my wife and two sons, this location has shaped my interest in the natural world. Soon after joining Exxon Fawley refinery in 2007 I noticed carcasses of birds littered around the site, closer observation’s confirmed peregrines were nesting on one of our stacks.

I produced sketches of the peregrines behaviour, my sons persuaded me to do something with my artwork so I approached the Hawk Conservancy Trust to see if they could use these to raise funds for their fantastic organisation.


With the help of Ashley Smith and Simon Chadwick at Ceratopia ltd, I produced Top Gun of the Sky the life seen through the eyes of the peregrine Falcon, Exxon kindly sponsored the print run and Chris Packham wrote a beautiful foreword.

Dusk until Dawn the life of the Barn owl launched in June 2014. After  researching “old hushwing” I  found that they had been brought “back from the brink” of extinction in the UK by conservationists who had identified their habitat and nesting sites had suffered, and they had put nest box programs in place to help this iconic UK Bird of Prey.

A Top Gun acquaintance and B of P expert Nick Dixon insisted I contact his lifelong friend Colin Shawyer (BOCN). Colin loved my work, and better still came up with some fantastic ideas to enhance Dusk, he then wrote the foreword and helped financially back the book and more importantly promoted Dusk to likeminded friends.

What’s next?

The Hen harrier is the hottest UK conservation topic, I’m totally grabbed by their plight and I am currently producing a piece of work (in-between my shift work) to raise awareness to the younger generation,  Skydancer will be available this year pending sourcing funding.

How you can help

Please help get these books to our younger generation, purchase a book for a relative or donate a book to a local school, books are available dedicated and signed direct from this site and if you are a school or organisation, multiple books can be purchased from myself at a wholesale price enabling you to also raise funds.

I am now visiting schools and organisations promoting my books, artwork and telling my story, I combine this with tuition on drawing and creative writing; I hope this is my small way of making a difference.

Langholm Harriers

 Hattie and Grainne are safe and well at Langholm, settling onto territory now I won't be sharing any more maps for a we while, but will keep the updates coming. Sadly no new information about Annie.

 Skydancing is in full swing on the moor and migrants are trickling in despite the snow fall on Sunday 12th April. Here are just a few shots taken last year on the moor: