Making the Most of Moorlands - A long over-due update!!
News from 'The Hill'
Firstly, allow me to apologise for the lack of updates recently. Things have been a bit manic but that's no excuse! So here's a summary of the last few months.
Wildlife Update:
Breeding started early in the raptors as a promising vole year spurred a Barn Owl into action, incubating a clutch of four eggs on March 10th! Hen harriers are back in good numbers with latest estimates as high as 9 pairs. Sky-dancing has been regular and some fantastic displays have been observed. Merlins are making everything aware of their presence by cuffing up anything that enters their territory good numbers of Black grouse have been observed at various Lek sites around the Moor.
Spring Migrants have been steadily arriving, the first of which was a singing Chiffchaff at Longwood. Species and rough dates as follows:
Chiffchaff - 27.3.2017
Wheatear: 31.3.2017
Sand Martin: 1.4.2017
Willow Warbler: 7.4.2017
Swallow: 10.4.2017
Pied Flycatcher: 20.4.2017
Common Sandpiper: 20.4.2017
Good numbers of Curlew on the moor and more Lapwings than last year also.
Wheatear 31.3.2017 |
Common Sandpiper 20.4.2017 |
Pied Flycatcher 20.4.2017
Education Update:
Lots going on with school groups at the moment. 40 S1students are working towards their John Muir Discovery Award, Lewis and Kain from Langholm Learning Base our helping out every Tuesday and Ryan Kennedy is volunteering for a full day every Monday.
John Muir Group 2017 |
Lewis and Kain |
Ryan putting up a trail camera for Barn Owls
The Duke of Edinburgh Volunteers have busy with litter picks and other activities through the winter racking up hours towards their Silver Award - Thanks for all your help Guys!!
Lydia and Mathew |
Photography Workshop:
Two senior students from Langholm Academy have been creating a portfolio of Moorland related photography - the results of which will be displayed during the Moorland May Festival 2017.
Easter Events:
Seasonal Education Assistant Cathy Hooper has been running a series of very successful holiday activities over Easter. Lots of youngsters headed out onto the moor for a wide variety of fun filled sessions from Bird watching and Bushcraft to Stream Dipping. Everyone had a jolly nice time!!
A slug on the nose!! |
Wee water beasties.... and Leo