December 2014
There has been no change over the last month in the movements of Hattie, Grainne and Annie, the three sat tagged Langholm harriers. Hattie and Grainne (both females tagged in 2013) are sticking to Langholm moor and have been seen occasionally hunting alongside several other (untagged birds)birds. Annie (Grainne's daughter, female tagged this summer 2014) seems pretty settled in her favoured spot west of Moffat, occasionally wandering down to the edge of the Ae forest. We've had another sprinkling for snow here at Langholm today, nothing like some places are getting, but will it be enough to persuade the harriers to move to areas of easier hunting? Last winter was very mild at Langholm, no snow and not a great deal of frost either.
Hattie, Grainne and Annie 10th December |
Tom Hutton |
Tom Hutton |
Tom Hutton |